Who We Are

With over a decade of management within CCTV, for one of London’s largest inner London local authorities, Director and Founder of Pixel Consultancy, Jason Owen has a vast amount of hands on experience in control room composition and administration. 

Jason first began his CCTV career within, arguably, one of the most famous department stores’ in London.  Discovering a knack for swiftly learning operating techniques in the use of CCTV to monitor management of high value items, VIP’s and emergency procedures.

He followed quickly into a CCTV senior operator role within local authority and used his hunger for learning about the use of CCTV within local government to progress to Head of Service. Day to day tasks have been monitoring cameras in an exceptionally fast track environment to developing close working relations with statutory partners such as Police, NHS, Security Services as well as the private sector. Jason has sharpened his skills to ensure full understanding of, not only the fast-paced environment and technical aspects of a control room, but the extensive legalities surrounding the use of CCTV. 

Day to day work in local government has allowed Jason to hone his skills to better understand the design, implementation and accountability of policies in relation to CCTV. 

Jason fast became the go to person to do with matters of CCTV. Despite having a room of staff to manage and lead, Jason developed codes of practice, templates for subject access requests as well as numerous bespoke templates for police and security services to use for the access of types of footage relevant to their jurisdiction. Where some may bore of policies and legislation, Jason discovered a thirst for knowledge to gain better understanding of CCTV procedures, from local codes of practices to legislation such as the Data Protection Act, GDPR, RIPA/IPA, Crime and Disorder Act and the Human Rights Act to name a few. 

This in turn lead Jason to train and qualify in the use of CCTV, CCTV control room management then CCTV consultancy and IP networking.

Jason’s experience within local authority has been integral in the replacement of the council’s dated analogue system, to a full IP digital network as well as a full relocation of the control room itself.  On top of this Jason has consulted on one of Europe’s largest town development in commissioning a fully compliant network of highway cameras as well as liaising with foreign embassy and iconic building staff with their CCTV enquiries.

Jason currently liaises with the British Home Office as one of the Surveillance camera Commissionaires advisory consultants, which has seen him advising on such topics as National Standards and certification and standardising video output mediums for use by police and court authorities.

It is Jason’s immense passion in operating CCTV at the highest level that started the foundations for Pixel consultancy. It is with the wish to help public and private security industries in understanding, developing and running the operational aspects of CCTV that drove that foundation to grow further. 

Pixel Consultancy offers a unique and bespoke viewpoint on the implementation and maintenance of CCTV learnt from years of hands on experience on guiding principles laid down by the Surveillance camera Commissionaires codes of practice, combined with the Information Commissionaires guidance, general Data Protection Regulations and Data Protection principles. 

Jason’s experience of over 17 years has also given him access to many industry experts which may be incorporated into any project. Experts in the field can range from IP network engineers, installers to manufacturers. 

The CCTV landscape can be difficult to fully navigate. It is important to understand compliance, legislation, policies and procedures that will require adherence to for ensuring a complete service.  Customer and resident reassurances are essential for support and shows the company's ability to demonstrate integrity and transparency.  Understanding what to do when dealing with routine and major incidents in any given location is also imperative for a successful CCTV control room operation. with all of the above in mind it can be overwhelming to know where to begin....that is why Pixel Consultancy was started.



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